For Researchers and Enthusiasts!
✨This App is Mainly Intended for Enthusiastic Engineers and Researchers, Which Contains News,Tips and Articles on Engineering Research,Technologies and Design.✨➠【Main Topics】-The potential of graphene for the composite market .-Augmented reality in product design .-Keeping industrial automation fit and healthy .-Dispelling the myths surrounding linear guidance systems .-Key factors to consider for precision measurement using laser displacement sensors .-How fastening technology brings together the drive for lighter vehicles .-Vibration monitoring of rolling bearings to maximise asset reliability .-Smaller, faster, hotter: optimisation of bearings for challenging applications .-Planetary gearheads .-NVIDIA Quadro VR ready program points pros to a great VR experience .-Top 10 reasons why you still need a PLC .-The art of design validation and verification .-30 seconds to industrial automation take off .-The challenges of creating The Industrial Internet of Things .-Can technology maintain its current pace of growth? .-Choosing the right connector spec .-Motor controllers: build or buy? .-Considerations in choosing motors for robotics .-Dont neglect palletising when automating lines .-Connectors for tomorrows system integrators .-Fact or fabrication: Busting the myths surrounding robotics .-High-pressure pumps – what price reliability? .-Your smart device is watching you .-Robots create the perfect rise for baked goods .-Amazing technologies on cruise liners .-What are the different quadrants of operation and how does it relate to my DC motor control application? .-De-railing the hype train .-The history of 3D printing (its older than you think) .-How do I get a metallic finish? .-Being clear about clarity .-Permanent magnet vs Iron cored DC motors .-Selecting a brushed or brushless DC motor – decisions.-High speed machines drive technology forward .-When your design isnt really a design .-The volume curve .-Design for direct metal laser sintering .-Recycled plastic barrels create cheap wind power for developing countries .-Bloodhound SSCs cockpit instruments .-Designing with users in mind .-Graphene-Based 3D Printing Material .-Test and measurement options for design engineers at EDS 2016 .-Following DFM Guidelines for Working with Sheet Metal .-Powder-Metallurgy Processes .-A Quick Look at Heat Treating Processes for Metals .-A Quick Look at Steels Used for Fasteners .-A Primer on Plating and Finishes for Fasteners .-8 Tips for Lowering the Cost of Steel in Your Designs .-Calculating the Hidden Loads in Fasteners Near Edges .-The Past, Present, and Future of Springs .-What are the Differences between springs? .-The Basics of Coatings and Finishes for Metal Hardware .-Avoiding Corrosion on Fasteners .-Difference Between Resistance-Welded Fasteners and Arc-Welded Studs .-Methods for Fastening Sheet Metal without Fasteners .-Difference Between Cartridge Heaters and Tubular Heaters? .-What is stainless steel? .-Comparing Stainless Steel and Other Metals .-Steel is up to the AUTOMOTIVE CHALLENGE .-Advanced High-Strength Steels Add Strength and Ductility to Vehicle Design .-Calculating the Proper Preload for Threaded Fasteners .-How internal loads affect bolt preload .-Understanding the Nut Factor in Threaded-Fastener Torque-Tension Relationship .-Demystifying Bolt Preload .-Preload Calculation Makes or Breaks a Joint .-Software Takes the Load off Joint Modelling.and much more weekly update...➻✫Topics are arranged from Basics to Advanced
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Tamil meadiam
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Waa app cajiib ah
It is the worst app i have used